“Viral Mural”, between muralism and virtual spaces

  • Carla Estefanía Coluccio Arte Urbano IIC
Keywords: urban art, viralization, viral mural, decontextualization, conservation, ephemeral


The exhibition "Viral Mural," developed in Buenos Aires, combined the art of muralism with virtual spaces, focusing on the phenomenon of “viralization” as a contemporary manifestation, to the extent that these works infiltrate social networks achieving wider diffusion and consolidation in society.  The relationship between "inside and outside" had blurred boundaries and opened debates about the decontextualization of murals. In this paper, some of the main questions generated by the exhibition will be explored. In the same way, we will approach the subject from a variety of social media, using them as sources of documentation in the field of conservation. Finally, these findings will be postulated as part of contemporary culture, perhaps still neglected, and as necessary elements capable of providing valuable data for the study of art in public space.


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How to Cite
Coluccio, C. E. (2019). “Viral Mural”, between muralism and virtual spaces. Ge-Conservacion, 16, 145-153. https://doi.org/10.37558/gec.v16i0.703