Diseño de una unidad didáctica sobre la conservación del Patrimonio. ¿Qué tipo de enseñanza requieren los temas sobre conservación del Patrimonio?

  • Manuel Garcia Heras
  • Javier Pena-Poza
  • Cristina Gil Puente
  • Patricia Gomez Mayo
  • Juan Felix Conde Moreno
  • Fernando Agua Martinez
  • Maria-Angeles Villegas Broncano


La enseñanza del Patrimonio Histórico y Cultural en los colegios de primaria y secundaria se ha cubierto ampliamente en los últimos años. Sin embargo, el tema específico de la conservación del Patrimonio apenas se ha desarrollado a pesar de su trascendencia desde el punto de vista de la preservación futura de los distintos elementos que conforman el Patrimonio. En este trabajo se presentan los aspectos teóricos y prácticos en los que se ha basado el diseño de una unidad didáctica sobre conservación del Patrimonio. Entre los principales objetivos que pretende cubrir esta unidad destacan el significado del Patrimonio Cultural, la importancia de su conservación, la posibilidad de reconocer lugares con Patrimonio, cuándo es importante conservarlos, las diferencias entre conservación y restauración, la influencia de las condiciones ambientales, etc. Las posibles actividades de evaluación y los colegios más adecuados en los que poner en práctica la unidad didáctica son también alguno de los temas tratados en este trabajo.


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Biografias Autor

Manuel Garcia Heras

Ph. D. in History with Honorary Award, Complutense University of Madrid (1997). Between 1999 and 2001 he was Fulbright postdoctoral fellow at the Smithsonian Institution (Washington D.C., USA) and between 2002 and 2005 he was postdoctoral researcher of the program I3P at the National Centre for Metallurgical Research (CENIM-CSIC, Madrid). Since 2005 he is senior scientist at the Institute of History (CCHS-CSIC, Madrid). His research lines are focused on the interaction between experimental sciences and history, combining a historic and scientific view for approaching questions of technology and conservation of ancient materials. These lines are mainly carrying out in the fields of Archaeometry and Cultural Heritage conservation.

Javier Pena-Poza

Ph. D. in Chemistry, Autonomous University of Madrid (2014). Contracted scientist between 2009 and 2013, Institute of History (CCHS-CSIC, Madrid), under the Program Consolider Ingenio TCP-CSD2007-00058. From March 2015 up to the present contracted scientist, Institute of History (CCHS-CSIC, Madrid), under the Program Geomateriales 2 (Ref. S2013/MIT-2914, Regional Government of Madrid and EU structural funds). His research focuses on the application of chemical-physical characterization techniques to inorganic materials and the development of preventive conservation strategies through environmental sensors.

Cristina Gil Puente

Ph. D. in Geology, Complutense University of Madrid (2002). She has developed her scientific career at the National Glass Centre Foundation (1997-2013, Head of the Laboratory for Quality Control and Head of the Technological and Scientific Department) and the University of Valladolid (campus in Segovia) (2014-present). Currently is lecturer at the Department for Didactic of Social and Experimental Sciences and Mathematics. Her research focuses on the relationship between Science, Technology, and Society; development of the scientific thought, Heritage conservation, and formative evaluation.

Patricia Gomez Mayo

M.A. in History, Complutense University of Madrid (2003); and graduated in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Goods, Higher School of Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Goods in Madrid (2006). She is currently completing the last course for the grade of Education, University of Valladolid (campus in Segovia). She has been fellow at the National Museum of Archaeology and the Museum of Science and Technology, and lecturer for restoration of archaeological goods at the Archaeology Facility of the Town Hall of Alcalá de Henares. Now she is a lecturer in conservation and restoration of cultural goods in Ávila.

Juan Felix Conde Moreno

M.A. in History, Autonomous University of Madrid (1994). Since 2008 he is research assistant at the Heritage Conservation Laboratory from the Institute of History (CCHS-CSIC, Madrid). His research tasks focus on the application of several instrumental techniques for the study, characterization, and conservation of Cultural Heritage materials. 

Fernando Agua Martinez

M.Sc. in Chemistry, Alcalá de Henares University (1991). He joined the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) in 1992 as research assistant and since 2005 he is senior technical specialist. He has been staff member at the Institute of Materials Science of Aragón, Institute of Ceramic and Glass in Madrid and, since 2007, Institute of History also in Madrid. His research focuses on Archaeometry of historical materials as well as the development of preventive and curative conservation strategies for Cultural Heritage materials.

Maria-Angeles Villegas Broncano

Ph. D. in Chemistry, Autonomous University of Madrid (1987); and Ph. D. in Fine Arts, University of Granada (2016). She is currently senior research scientist at the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC). She has been staff member at the Institute of Ceramic and Glass in Madrid (1984-2001), at the National Centre for Metallurgical Research (CENIM, Madrid) (2001-2007) and, since 2007 to the present, at the Institute of History (CCHS, Madrid). She is responsable for a research group on material culture and Heritage. Her research lines are: integral conservation (curative and preventive) and protection of Cultural Heritage; environmental sensors and advanced systems of preventive conservation; Archaeometry of materials (glass, ceramics, metals, alloys, pictorial layers, etc.).


Como Citar
Garcia Heras, M., Pena-Poza, J., Gil Puente, C., Gomez Mayo, P., Conde Moreno, J. F., Agua Martinez, F., & Villegas Broncano, M.-A. (2017). Diseño de una unidad didáctica sobre la conservación del Patrimonio. ¿Qué tipo de enseñanza requieren los temas sobre conservación del Patrimonio?. Ge-Conservacion, 11, 121-127. https://doi.org/10.37558/gec.v11i0.462

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