The painting of the ceiling of the Theater Vico Jumilla (Murcia). Historical and material study

  • Sonia Santos Gómez Profesor Contratada Doctora
  • Margarita San Andrés Moya Vicerrectora Investigación UCM
  • Ruth Chércoles Profesora en la Facultad de Bellas Artes de la Universidad Complutense
Keywords: Decorative painting, tempera painting, artistic pigments, calcium carbonate, chalk, optical microscopy, SEM-EDX


The theatrical representations were one of the axes of social life of 19th century in Spain, so during that century were built many buildings that also needed furniture, furnishings and paintings that set a sumptuous atmosphere. Many of these paintings were made in queue on canvas tempera. An example of this is the ceiling painting of the Vico theater in the city of Jumilla in Murcia (Spain) (ca. 1883). Its microanalytical study has revealed the materials and work methodology applied in his execution, which are characteristic of 19th century decorative painting. The use of certain pigments produced by modern European industry, accompanied by more traditional ones, which fall within the category of historical pigments, has been confirmed. Likewise, the identification of calcium carbonate, in the form of chalk, in the preparations and in the pictorial layer is noteworthy.


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Author Biography

Sonia Santos Gómez, Profesor Contratada Doctora

Sonia Santos Gómez: Profesora Titular Interina de Universidad. Ha desarrollado su faceta profesional en torno a la conservación-restauración de bienes culturales, a su labor como investigadora y a la docencia.


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How to Cite
Santos Gómez, S., San Andrés Moya, M., & Chércoles, R. (2019). The painting of the ceiling of the Theater Vico Jumilla (Murcia). Historical and material study. Ge-Conservacion, 16, 106-118.