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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The proposal has not been published elsewhere nor it has been presented to other journal (or, an explanation has been given to the editor, in Comments).
  • The file is in format Microsoft Office Word® (*.doc).

  • When possible, website addresses and DOI must be included in the references.
  • Font: Garamond; simple line spacing and justified; no indentation at the beginning of the paragraphs; 12 points line spacing between paragraphs; all pages must be numbered; all illustrations, photographs and tables must be inserted within text in their adequate location and not at the end of the document; it must be used italics and not underlined (with exception for URL addresses).
  • Text is in accordance with the bibliography and style guidelines on Guidelines for authors that can be found in About at Journal homepage.
  • If the document is sent to the peer review section, author should assure that it has been followed the instructions Assuring a blind review process.
  • The submitted originals make appropriate use of inclusive language according to the Report of the Royal Spanish Academy on inclusive language:
  • The submitted originals adequately report on whether the source data of the research takes gender into account, in order to allow the identification of possible differences according to the proposals of the European Commission in Gender:

Author Guidelines

Ge-conservacion is Open Access and no APC (free charges for authors and readers).

Articles regarding conservation and restoration of Cultural Heritage can be sent to Ge-conservacion for publishing and are required to present:

  • original academic investigations on any knowledge area of conservation and restoration of Cultural Heritage.
  • conservation and restoration articles focused on the cultural meaning of the asset, on the results obtained or on the methodological proposals novelty.
  • opinion articles on conservation of Cultural Heritage theoretical aspects

In the case of a research work, it must be presented its scope, its goals, its investigation extent, its importance, the current position of the studied subject, the methodology used, results and discussion and an updated bibliography. If it is related to funded programs, that must be included at the end of the text.

In the case of a conservation-restoration intervention it must be presented the description of the asset, the scope and goals of intervention, its importance, antecedents, applied methodology, results and bibliography.

The papers submitted for publication must be original, i.e. they should not have been previously published, nor submitted or pending publication elsewhere. Any other situation should be signalled and duly referenced by the authors and will be analysed by the Editors on a case-by-case basis, with the ultimate goal of ensuring transparency and safeguarding the originality of the paper. Failure to comply with these principles constitutes grounds to reject a manuscript.

An external Scientific Committee will undertake article assessment by a pair of peer review process. Its acceptance or refusal and, when necessary, the article proposal alteration will be sent to authors by e-mail.

Texts presentation will be assessed by the Editorial Board. Authors can carry on corrections within the deadlines established in the program.   

Acceptance Rate 46,24 % (2023)

Average Days to First Editorial Decision 32 (2023)

Average Days to Accept 127 (2023)

Article language. The original is presented in one of the following accepted languages: Spanish, English or Portuguese. The papers must contain a spanish and an english title and abstract and, if written in portuguese, must also incorporate the title and abstract in that language.

Ge-Conservación takes no responsibility on the information presented on the articles nor can it be identified with it.

Authors must prepare the original following the guidelines presented below:


1.    Original presentation.

Authors must send the article on digital version, through journal website Ge-Conservación, or by defect, by e-mail to:

Spanish, Portuguese and English are the accepted idioms but other languages can be used upon Editorial Board criteria, for particular cases.

The title of the text file will be based on the author’s name that should provide a complete list of sent files.

Maximum word count is 6000 per article (including references, etc.)

It will be used format Microsoft Office Word® (*.doc). Font: Garamond: simple line spacing and justified; no indentation at the beginning of the paragraphs; 12 points line spacing between paragraphs; all pages must be numbered. 

Manuscripts must include:

  • Title: this must be short. Those too long could suffer corrections. Letter size: 14 points.
  • Author’s name(s): placed below title and must include full name and e-mail address. Letter size: 11 points.
  • Abstract: Main body of the text must be preceded by an abstract of 100 up to 150 words in Spanish and English, no matter what the idiom selected for the writing of the article. Letter size: 10 points.
  • Keywords: From 4 to 8 keywords, in small letters, below each abstract. These keywords must describe the most important aspects of the work, such as: main subject (e.g. conservation), materials in study, methodology applied, etc. In particular occasions, it can be used combined terms (e.g. preventive conservation).  Letter size: 10 points.
  • Main body of the text: Letter size: 11 points. Titles: bold letters, 11 points.
  • Notes: Do not use the automatic system of the software. You should insert notes within the text using 1. Notes or references should be at the final of the text, before bibliography and it must be numbered in sequential arabic characters. Letter size: 10 points.
  • Bibliography: Letter size: 10 points.
  • Short CV of the authors that include postal address and e-mail address and ORCID if available . Letter size: 10 points.
  • List of Captions (illustrations, photographs, graphs, tables) that includes authorship credits from that material that has been obtained reproduction authorization.  Letter size: 10 points.


2.    Illustrations and tables

It can be used a maximum of 10 illustrations: photographs, graphs, etc. Their placement within the text should be done using a reference inside curved parenthesis and sequentially numbered: [illustration 1], [illustration 2], [table 1], etc. Those with link connections should be inside straight parenthesis [] and there is no limit number.
Images should be in JPEG format and have enough quality for Web publishing (200 pps). Author should sent images within the text or on independent files, identified with author’s name. In all situations, it must be added a document with a list of illustrations and their respective captions in Microsoft Office Word® format.

3.    Permissions

It is author’s responsibility to obtain all the permissions for the reproduction of the copyright material that is to be included in the publication. That includes photographs, tables and illustrations that have been published elsewhere, before.

Authors will undertake the responsibility of ask for the necessary reproduction permissions. Permission copies should be sent with the text


4.    Citation and references

Citations should only appear as notes at the end of the text (numbered by 1) when it is necessary to include an additional text. When citations do not have any comment, it should be followed the Harvard system: citations inserted in the text, within curved parenthesis, with author/editor surname and publication year, separated by a space, colon and number page). When it is required to cite several authors, these must appear altogether in the same curved parenthesis and by chronological order, separated by a double coma.


... Sánchez (1981)
(Smith 1976: 81)
(Moreno and López 1970: 27)
(Gómez 2003; Valcárcel 1999)


When it is cited several works from the same author which were published in the same year, they must be differentiated by a small letter.

(Thompson 1997 a: 12)
(Thompson 1997 b: 135)

References should be cited at the end of the article, after the notes and by author’s surname alphabetical order. References must list all the cited works in the article.


Book, catalogue and monograph references:

Author’s surname must be in capital letters, name in initials, publication year (followed by first edition year, in the case of more than one edition), title (italic), city and publisher.

SARABIA VIEJO, Mª J. (1994). La grana y el añil. Técnicas tintóreas en México y América central. Sevilla: Escuela de Estudios Hispanoamericanos.

When it is cited two or more publications from the same author, they must be   chronological ordered. When it is more than three authors, it must be used et. al. after the third name.


Article reference from a periodic publication:

Title must be between quotation marks and the publication title in italic. Volume and page numbers must appear after and separated by double coma:

CATURLA, M.L. (1968-69). “Documentos en torno a Vicente Carducho”, Arte Español, 26: 45-219.


Book chapter reference:

QUEREJAZU, P. (1995). “La escultura en el virreinato del Perú y la audiencia de Charcas”. En Pintura, escultura y artes útiles en Íbero América1500-1825, Gutiérrez, R. (coord.). Madrid: Cátedra, 257-170.


Congress reference:

GRAMATKE, C. (2005). “Aproximación a las fuentes del saber pictórico del siglo XVII”. En II Congreso del GEIIC. Investigación en Conservación y Restauración, Barcelona: Universidad de Barcelona, 189-196.


Manuscript and archival documents references:

Location must be allocated: city, archive or library to which the document belongs, signature, foliation or page number.

Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional, ms. I, f. 34v.
Sevilla, Archivo General de Indias, Contratación, leg.2056, 2, f. 47v.


Electronic document reference (ISO 690-2):

The author or the responsible for the information content must be mentioned, publishing date, title (italic), type of multimedia used, edition number, edition city and editor.

VV.AA. (2001). Retablos: Técnicas, materiales y procedimientos, CD-ROM, 1ª ed., Madrid: Grupo Español del IIC.


Online reference:

The author or the responsible for the information content must be mentioned, title (italic), website address or e-mail address, access date (within straight parenthesis) GANDULLO, J.M., SÁNCHEZ PALOMARES, O., BLANCO, A. Y SÁNCHEZ SERRANO, F.  “Manual de mineralogía y petrología”, en Guía interactiva de minerales y rocas de la escuela Técnica superior de Minas de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. [ consulta: 4/6/2008].

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