The Cultural Tourism and the Problems of the Carrying Capacity of Heritage: Study of the social dimension of the Porto Cathedral case

  • Raquel Marques Sousa Estudante
Keywords: cultural heritage, cultural tourism, monument, carrying capacity, Porto Cathedral


 Tourism is the main stimulator of local and regional development; however, its progress can provoke excessive pressure on the destination’s resources, negatively modifying the social and the economic conditions and the life quality of the resident population. The increasing expansion of tourism due to the high flow of visitors, encourages the need to manage it according to sustainability parameters, that is, from the point of view of the responsible use of the resources that are exploited, aiming to guarantee their preservation and transmission to future generations. In this sense, huge concern arises regarding the control of negative impacts on heritage resources endangered by the high influx of visitors. This article, we present the social dimension study of the Porto Cathedral case, since it is one of the most visited monuments in the city.


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How to Cite
Marques Sousa, R. (2021). The Cultural Tourism and the Problems of the Carrying Capacity of Heritage: Study of the social dimension of the Porto Cathedral case. Ge-Conservacion, 19(1), 320-328.