The restoration of the Church of Montesión in Seville (2002-2008)

Keywords: restoration, church, Montesión, Seville, Hernán Ruiz II, Archive of Notarial Protocols


This research studies the restoration carried out on the church of the former Dominican convent of Montesión in Seville between 2002 and 2008, under the direction of the architects Rafael Manzano Martos and Pedro Barrero Ortega. The church, whose authorship can be attributed to Hernán Ruiz II, the Cordovan architect who crowned the Giralda, was confiscated in 1835 and is currently owned by the Illustrious College of Notaries of Andalusia. The main objective of the article is to analyse the scope of the interventions, illustrating the study with photographs and graphic documents prepared for this publication, in order to make them known. These interventions promoted the conservation of the church and other movable assets, as well as the conservation of the Archive of Notarial Protocols, one of the most important documentary treasures for the knowledge of the history of the city.


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Author Biography

Pedro Barrero Ortega, Universidad de Sevilla

Pedro Barrero Ortega es Doctor Arquitecto y Profesor Asociado de la Universidad de Sevilla. Pertenece al grupo de investigación “HUM976. Expregráfica. Lugar, Arquitectura y Dibujo”. Su extensa actividad profesional se ha desarrollado durante décadas, junto a Rafael Manzano Martos, en variadas intervenciones en patrimonio arquitectónico. Es autor de diversos artículos en dicho ámbito desde el punto de vista de la expresión gráfica arquitectónica.


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How to Cite
Barrero Ortega, P. (2022). The restoration of the Church of Montesión in Seville (2002-2008). Ge-Conservacion, 21(1), 44-54.