The Conservation Program in a museum. Case study of the Museum Project of the National Museum of Maritime Archeology and the National Center for Underwater Archaeological Research (Cartagena)
The Conservation Program is a key part of a museum’s Collections Program because it defines a working methodology to address the conservation of the heritage that it contains. Its preventive conservation has been and continues to be a priority. In this paper, the implementation of the Conservation Program and the functions developed during the construction of the new building of the National Museum of Maritime Archeology and the National Center for Underwater Archaeological Research are analyzed, which would culminate with the opening of the current museum in 2008 and with a change of name (National Museum of Underwater Archeology ARQVA). In addition, the main strategies carried out within the framework of this program are presented, which addresses a unique archaeological collection due to its underwater origin but also due to the quantity and diversity of materials from different historical and cultural contexts.
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