The Master of Robredo and Jorge Inglés: formal and technical analogies
The work presented here shows how the study of the underdrawing in pictorial works allows to point towards possible collaborations and influences between painters by showing their particular way to draw. The following lines reveal the formal connection in painting and drawing between certain works attributed to Jorge Inglés, the Altarpiece of the Virgin of Villasandino (Burgos) and that of San Jerónimo placed in the National Museum of Sculpture, with respect to others made by the Master of Robredo, especially with the so-called The judgement of Saint Peter. For this, have been carried out the study of the underdrawing and the stylistic study of these works. All this haighlighs the very probable direct contact between these authors in the same workshop and raises various questions, such as which parts of the works would correspond to each one of them or to other members of the workshop or even if both painters could be identified as only one.
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