Microbiological evaluation of indoor air in three Museums of the UNESCO No. 658 zone. Coro, Venezuela World Heritage of Humanity
A study was carried out with the aim of characterizing indoor air quality in three museums located within the UNESCO 658 World Heritage Area. Relative Humidity HR measured in% and measured temperature ° C was evaluated, bacteria and fungi were recovered from the air by gravity sedimentation method, bacteria were characterized by the Gram method and identified fungi by microculture. An inverse correlation between RH and Temperature was determined. Were caracterizaed Streptococci G (+), Staphylococci G (+), G (+) Bacillus G (+), Bacillus G (-), Filaments G (+) 5%. Aspergillus sp., Mucor sp., Penicillium sp. The UFC / m3 of bacteria was slightly higher than that of the fungi. All the museums presented microbial values for air, between medium and high according to the classification proposed by the WHO.
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