The state of Conservation of the painting of Adriano de Sousa Lopes
This study aims to determine the causes of degradation associated with the paintings of Adriano de Sousa Lopes (1879-1944) during his apprenticeship at the Academies of Fine Arts in Lisbon and Paris in the early 20th century. The set of ten paintings chosen for analysis belongs to the painting collection of the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Lisbon (FBAUL).
For this purpose, a methodology was established for the analysis of the deterioration based on the results obtained through the identification of the materials and techniques, as well as in the survey of the state of conservation of the artworks.
Finally, it was possible to identify the deterioration agents responsible for the deterioration of the artworks, validating mechanical and physical damage. Such damage was proved to have been caused by uncontrolled environmental conditions, incorrect handling, bad storage and, finally, due to the techniques of the painter, as well as the choice of fragile materials.
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