The artist's opinion towards street art museums inside the Latin American context

  • Ana Lizeth Mata Delgado
Keywords: Interview, artist's opinion, street art, context, museum


When the term 'museum' is used, it is assumed to be a place whose purpose is to conserve, research and disseminate the cultural heritage representative of a society.  It is therefore understood that the function of the museum is positive. On the contrary, when we speak of 'street art museums' the perceptions of their nature are very different, both on the part of the artists and the public. A priori, a critique is generated about the relevance of their existence, as well as their mission, vision, function of this typology of space and the effect it will have on the artistic creation itself.
From the management of museum spaces focused and created specifically to exhibit, disseminate, investigate and even conserve street art, different positions have emerged in this sense, since limiting urban interventions in the museum context is apparently contradictory with the very meaning of street art, often transgressor, which vindicates public space to the full extent of the word. However, its inclusion in these environments opens up new possibilities for the perception of its artistic forms and shows a new appreciation of them within new contexts.
This article focuses on the evolution of public art in the context of Latin America, and its transfer to museums. In addition, the street artists' vision of the creation of street art museums will be presented, using an interview methodology.


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Entrevistas realizadas a: Colectivo Lapiztola, Flavio Montessoro, AlterOs, Museo Mutante [México] y a PDV Crew [Colombia].
How to Cite
Mata Delgado, A. L. (2019). The artist’s opinion towards street art museums inside the Latin American context. Ge-Conservacion, 16, 193-203.

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