Cultural management in the National Palace of Mexico: use and heritage conservation

  • Lilia Rivero Secretaria de Hacienda y Crédito Público
Palabras clave: Cultural Management, Preventive Conservation, Strategic Planning


Conservation of Mexico National Palace is a complex labor, since implies the preservation, not only of the material aspects of the building and the objects contained within, but also all the immaterial values reflected on the walls of the structure that mirrors the historic continuity of Mexico and therefore part of the national identity. Due these conditions, National Palace is in our days the most emblematic and symbolical government building of the country.

In order to preserve the monument, a comprehensive conservation-cultural management program has been developed and implemented, considering operational aspects of the monument management, that is also part of the cultural infrastructure of Mexico City, since this historical complex attracts around 340 000 visitors each year.

In addition, among the Conservator´s Office strategy has been to promote collaboration between different actors involved with the use, operation and conservation of the monument, in which are included external governmental offices and academic institutions, both national and international. This collaborative approach has been crucial in order to implement the Management Program for the conservation of the monument.


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Biografía del autor/a

Lilia Rivero, Secretaria de Hacienda y Crédito Público

Degree in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage, Diploma in Museology Studies, Master in Contemporary Art History, has 29 years of experience in the field of cultural management, coordination of projects in conservation, restoration and museum in situ and heritage collections. National Coordinator of Cultural Heritage INAH (2007-2013); in this period she led several national and international projects, including the preservation of Moctezuma’s headdress, in the City of Vienna, Austria, and Conservation of Heroes of Independence Remains, both published projects. “Paul Coremans” award winner for the interdisciplinary Project for the descendant and conservation of Pakal’s tombstone, Palenque Chiapas.

Supervisor for the conservation of historic buildings such as National Palace, Cathedral of Mexico and the palace “Marques del Apartado”.  She has collaborated in the preparation of various exhibitions in Mexico and abroad, and lectured and participated in seminars as a speaker and contributed in various national and international forums.

Councillor for Mexico at ICCROM Rome in 2009-2013, academic advisor for the project of the European Union Nano for Art 2011-2014, scientific committee member at YOCOCU since its creation. Assessor for México on the EU project NANORESTART 2015-2018 on Nanotechnology science for the conservation of contemporary art.

She is currently Head Conservator of National Palace, and provides advice to the various technical and academic institutions at request, in support of heritage conservation.

Cómo citar
Rivero, L. (2017). Cultural management in the National Palace of Mexico: use and heritage conservation. Ge-Conservacion, 11, 243-249.