Red color characterization in several Roman frescos and paintings by in situ and remote LIBS, LIF and Raman Spectroscopies

  • Roberta Fantoni Agenzia nazionale per le nuove tecnologie, l'energia e lo sviluppo económico sostenibile (ENEA)
  • Violeta Lazic Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA), Frascati, Italy
  • Francesco Colao Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA), Frascati, Italy
  • Salvatore Almaviva Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA), Frascati, Italy
  • Adriana Puiu Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA), Frascati, Italy


Hoy en día, la caracterización de pigmentos in situ en una superficie relevante del patrimonio cultural es posible mediante el uso combinado de espectroscopias láser las cuales son adecuadas para detectar en alta resolución tanto la composición molecular (Raman, LIF) como la composición atómica (LIBS) de la muestra, esta última técnica con capacidades estratigráficas y una alta sensibilidad para la detección de trazas. En este artículo se exponen sus aplicaciones en la identificación de pigmentos y tintes históricos sobre diferentes sustratos, particularmente en pinturas murales, desde la prehistoria hasta el siglo XIX cuando se generalizó el uso de sustancias sintéticas. El artículo se centra en los colores rojos, conocidos desde la antigüedad por su uso ritual y médico. Su uso pictórico a lo largo de los siglos es demostrado y, en casos seleccionados, la hipótesis de procedencia, basada en información histórica, podría ser apoyada por resultados de los análisis de composición y detección de trazas elementales gracias a la aplicación de tecnologías láser.


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Biografias Autor

Roberta Fantoni, Agenzia nazionale per le nuove tecnologie, l'energia e lo sviluppo económico sostenibile (ENEA)

Degree in Chemistry, senior scientist at ENEA. From the beginning of her career she was involved in multidisciplinary research activities and projects implying knowledge relevant to both chemistry and physics (spectroscopy and material processing). Successively, within the field of radiation-matter interactions, she carried out researches on processes with a broader applicative range, from biology and medicine to cultural heritage, coordinating projects at national and European level. Currently head of Technology Application for Security and Heath Division at ENEA (since July 2015). ENEA member in and in the Centre of Excellence of the District of Technologies for Culture of Latium Region. Author of 183 peer review scientific papers in the field of spectroscopy and laser applications.

Violeta Lazic, Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA), Frascati, Italy

Graduated in Physics (1990, Belgrade, Serbia), PhD at Faculty of Engineering (Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy). Scientific expertise in different laser spectroscopic techniques, particularly in LIBS; expertise in projecting of solid-state lasers and laser systems for industrial and scientific applications; software development for data analysis. Author of numerous scientific papers (citations >2800, h-index 28), six book chapters and four patents. Teaching experience at University of Tor Vergata and on different Master courses. Member of editorial board of Journal of Spectroscopy, and of Sensors.

Francesco Colao, Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA), Frascati, Italy

Senior Scientist at ENEA, specialist in laser applications, signal processing and data acquisition, current interests concern the development of fluorescence lidar for the analysis of pigments, binders and consolidants. Since 1987 he is researcher at ENEA, carrying out research in design and development of remote sensing laser-based systems for atmospheric studies. Known expert in the field of laser spectroscopy and diagnostics, including lidar, Raman spectroscopy, visible/UV emission spectroscopy, Laser Induced Fluorescence (LIF). He gained large experience of remote sensing systems for different applications: environmental control of pollutants, and remote diagnostic in the field of cultural heritage. He has been responsible of several national and international research projects. The results of his researches have been presented at international conferences and published in peer review journals

Salvatore Almaviva, Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA), Frascati, Italy

Physicist and researcher at ENEA in laser applications, signal processing and data acquisition, current interests concern the development and application of Raman and Laser-Induced-Breakdown-Spectroscopy (LIBS) in different applications. He has carried out research in design, development and testing of laser-based systems for security, cultural heritage and nuclear fusion applications. His expertise is in the field of laser spectroscopy and diagnostics and includes Raman spectroscopy and LIBS. He has been involverd in several national and international research projects. The results of his researches have been presented at international conferences and published in peer review journals.

Adriana Puiu, Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA), Frascati, Italy

Physicist, PhD in Quantum Electronics and Plasma Physics at "Tor Vergata" University of Rome, Researcher at ENEA - Diagnostic and Metrology Laboratory, she is involved in projects applied to safety issues (homeland security and food safety) as well as diagnostics for Cultural Heritage. She has expertise in optics and photonics and she is currently involved in activities regarding development and application of laser prototypal systems for Raman and infrared spectroscopy, photoacoustic spectroscopy, fluorescence spectroscopy and multivariate statistical analysis for data treatment to be employed in different research fields. The results of her researches have been presented at international conferences and published in peer review journals.


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Como Citar
Fantoni, R., Lazic, V., Colao, F., Almaviva, S., & Puiu, A. (2022). Red color characterization in several Roman frescos and paintings by in situ and remote LIBS, LIF and Raman Spectroscopies. Ge-Conservacion, 21(1), 257-269.