Un estudio microbiano de los biodeteriógenos fungosos aerotransportado en el museo

  • Hortensia Clara Radulescu
  • Georgeta Roșu
  • Cristina Popescu
  • Adriana Ispas
  • Veronica Lazăr
  • Pyerina Carmen Ghituleasa


El Patrimonio cultural material está expuesto a múltiples factores ambientales de riesgo que pueden afectar a su integridad y función cultural. Estos factores pueden ser físicos, químicos y también microbiológicos. El biodeterioro producido por hongos es un conocido causante de daño estético y estructural de los materiales, con un efecto mayor en el caso de deposición inadecuada o accidentes, como inundaciones o fugas de agua. Al mismo tiempo, la contaminación del aire con diferentes esporas de hongos puede constituir un factor de riesgo para la seguridad de los bienes patrimoniales. El rastreo de la biocontaminación aérea en museos tiene una doble utilidad: protección de la salud de los trabajadores en el museo ante bio-aerosoles peligrosos y el control de la presencia de agentes biodeteriorantes capaces de descomponer las piezas del museo. El presente documento presenta la metodología utilizada para la detección de especies de hongos en el aire de un museo etnográfico en Rumania, tanto en salas de almacenamiento, como de exposición. Los resultados preliminares muestran un predominio de géneros de hongos con actividad celulolítica reconocida, tales como Aspergillus, Penicillium y Cladosporium y una correlación directa entre los valores de temperatura y humedad con la concentración y los tipos de hongos presentes en el aire. Además, los medios de cultivo utilizados para el aislamiento de las especies fúngicas del aire se mostraron como un factor importante en la metodología de aislamiento.


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Biografias Autor

Hortensia Clara Radulescu

National Research and Development Institute for Textile and Leather, 16 Lucretiu Patrascanu St., sector 3, 030508, Bucharest, Romania.Hortensia Clara Radulescu is a biologist involved in research and development activities for twelve years. She holds a Bachelor degree in Biology, a Master degree in Genetics. She is currently involved in Doctoral Study programme at the Faculty of Biology, University of Bucharest.

Georgeta Roșu

National Romanian Peasant Museum 3 Kiseleff St., 011341, Bucharest, Romania. Georgeta Rosu is Associate Professor at the Faculty of History, University of Bucharest, Since 1999 was the Director of the Museography Department, at the Romanian Peasant Museum.. She holds a PhD in History, in the history of mentalities field. She conducted numerous projects for organization of exhibitions in Romania and abroad and she is the author of several books and articles of ethnography and museology.

Cristina Popescu

National Romanian Peasant Museum. 3 Kiseleff St., 011341, Bucharest, Romania. Cristina Popescu holds a PhD in History, and MA in History at the University of Bucharest. She is curator of Collections Department at MNTR. Beteen 2012 -2016 she participated at the project „Complex System storage for cultural heritage assets MNTR – organizational scientific model and managerial efficiency”, project awarded with the prize for Museology, 2007.

Adriana Ispas

National Romanian Peasant Museum. 3 Kiseleff St., 011341, Bucharest, Romania.
Adriana Ispas is curator of Collections Department at MNTR. She holds a Postgraduate certificate – Conservation of Artworks and Historical Monuments, BA in Information and Documentation Sciences at the University of Bucharest, Faculty of Letters (2008). She contributed to different expositions organized by the MNTR, as: Headdresses in the Traditional Village (2014), Traditional means of transportation in Romania (2013), Picu Patrut– The Last Great Miniaturist of Europe (2013).

Veronica Lazăr

Faculty of Biology, University of Bucharest, Splaiul Independentei 91-95, Bucharest, Romania. Veronica Lazăr is a University Professor, at the Biology Faculty, University of Bucharest. She is the Head of Microbiology and Botanic Department since 2004 and holds a PhD in Microbiology. She is specialised in Medical microbiology, Immunology, Microbial Ecology. She is the coordinator of student diplomas, master dissertations, doctoral and post-doctoral thesis. She was involved in over 38 reseach projects and is the author of 14 books and over 100 scientifique articles.

Pyerina Carmen Ghituleasa

National Research and Development Institute for Textile and Leather, 16 Lucretiu Patrascanu St., sector 3, 030508, Bucharest, Romania. Pyerina Carmen Ghituleasa is is a textile engineer, specialized in wool fibres. She holds a PhD in Industrial Engineering. She has over 37 publications, and over 50 conferences communications. She was the Coordinator of 3 international and 8 national project

Como Citar
Radulescu, H. C., Roșu, G., Popescu, C., Ispas, A., Lazăr, V., & Carmen Ghituleasa, P. (2017). Un estudio microbiano de los biodeteriógenos fungosos aerotransportado en el museo. Ge-Conservacion, 11, 86-94. https://doi.org/10.37558/gec.v11i0.457