Revestimientos nanoestructurados para la protección de tejidos y papel

  • Giulia Mazzon
  • Irene Zanocco
  • Muhammad Zahid
  • Ilker Bayer
  • Athanassia Athanassiou
  • Laura Falchi
  • Eleonora Balliana
  • Elisabetta Zendri


Altos porcentajes de humedad o el contacto con el agua son las mayors causas de deterioro de los materiales celulósicos, como papel y tejidos. El objetivo principal de esta investigación es el desarrollo de film protectores en función de dos productos comerciales hidrófugos: un fluoruro de copolímero acrílico y un polidimetilsiloxano con la adición de nano-sílice. La finalidad es verificar la aplicabilidad sobre papeles y tejidos tanto antiguos como contemporáneos. Se han utilizado distintas técnicas analíticas: espectrofotómetro de infrarrojo FTIR con ATR, análisis colorimétrico, observación con microscopía óptica y electrónica, medida del ángulo de contacto y de la resistencia mecánica. Los productos se han aplicado por medio de spray o inmersión con adecuada sistematización del método y elección de disolventes a bajatoxicidad. Los resultados demuestran una buena compatibilidad y eficiencia de los productos fluoroacrilicos a bajo porcentaje de nano-sílice de inmersión.


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Biografias Autor

Giulia Mazzon

She graduated in 2014 in Technologies for Conservation and Restoration at Ca´Foscari University of Venice, in Italy, with a thesis on the conservation state of the wall paintings of “Ossario del Monte Pasubio” War Memorial. In 2015 she took part to Erasmus mobility program to study conservation science at University of Malta. In 2016 she got the Master degree in “Chemical Sciences for Conservation and Restoration” at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice in 2016 submitting the thesis: “A Study of Coatings for the protection of Textiles”. The thesis was developed in collaboration with Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, of Genova, Italy. In 2016 she successful got qualified at the Italian State Exam of the Chemical Register. She did an internship in CMR S.r.l. ACCREDIA chemistry laboratory for building materials and restoration; internship in analytical laboratory EcamRicert S.r.l.; teaching-integrative activities during laboratories of Analytical Chemistry and Archaeometry at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice; working experience in R&D of F.lli Mazzon S.p.A. In 2017 she was selected for an internship at Deutsches Bergbau-Museum in Bochum, Germany. She has been working with natural and synthetic polymers, nanoparticles, water-repellent treatments, artificial and natural aged materials.

Irene Zanocco

Irene Zanocco is a conservation scientist and an assistant conservator with Master Degree (2016) in “Chemical Science for Conservation and Restoration” at Ca` Foscari University of Venice. Her thesis concerned the study of polymeric coatings for the protection of paper and the project was developed collaborating with the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT) of Genova, Italy. She worked in 2014 as a intern at the Laboratorio di Analisi dei Materiali Antichi (LAMA) of the IUAV University of Venice. In 2017 she won a scholarship for a researcher internship at the Instituto Universitario de Ciencia de los Materiales (ICMUV) of the University of Valencia, Spain.

Muhammad Zahid

Muhammad Zahid was born in Pakistan, 1988. He received his Bachelor’s degree from Pakistan in 2009. From 2009 to 2011, he worked in a textile manufacturing industry as an assistant manager. In 2013, he received Master’s degree in Textile Engineering from Politecnico di Torino, Italy. He was selected for an Erasmus mobility program for his final year thesis. With the collaboration of “University of Ghent, Belgium”, he completed his master research thesis on “Biocompatible electrospun nanofibers for wound dressings”. Currently he is a PhD researcher at Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Genova. He has good experience in multifunctional materials and their characterization techniques. Polymers, nanofillers and nanocomposites are also one of his core competences.


Ilker Bayer

B. Sc., Chemical Engineering, METU, 1995. P. Dipl., Fluid Mechanics, von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics, 1996. M.Sc., Chemical Engineering, METU, 1998. PhD., Mechanical Engineering, University of Illinois at Chicago, 2006. Current Research Interests: Polymer Nanocomposites; Surface Science; Super-wetting and super-repellent surfaces; Biopolymer Processing; Smart Materials; Emulsion Science and Technology. Dr. Bayer’s research is mainly applied in nature. The major activity is centred around fabrication and characterization of functional polymer nanocomposites. The Smart Materials Platform@IIT has a number of research activities on fabrication and characterization of electrically and magnetically functional polymer nanocomposites, preparation and characterization of biomaterial nanocomposites for antimicrobial applications and drug delivery, processing of novel cellulosic materials, new generation polymer blends and surface modification and functionalization. Dr. Bayer participates in these research activities by supervising or helping supervise a number of graduate students and post-doctoral colleagues. Smart Materials Platform@IIT has also a number of industrial projects with international companies through contracts or joint lab agreements. Additional research activities generally emerge as a result of extensive collaborations with such companies. Moreover, Dr. Bayer has ongoing collaborations with the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering at the University of Illinois at Chicago and with the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at the University of Virginia.

Athanassia Athanassiou

Athanassia Athanassiou since January 2011 has an appointment as Senior Researcher, responsible for the Smart Materials Group, in the Nanophysics Department of the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia in Genoa. In September 2014 she became Tenured Scientist. She has graduated in 1996 in Physics at the University of Ioannina in Greece. In 1997 she got the Master of Science (MSc) in Laser Photonics and Modern Optics from the University of Manchester, Laser Photonics Group, Manchester, UK, submitting a thesis on “Determination of Third Order Non Linear Optic Susceptibilities for Thin Films by Third Harmonic Generation”. In 2000 she became Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) at the University of Salford, Laser Photonics and Non-Linear Optics Group, Manchester, UK, in collaboration with the Foundation of Research and Technology-Hellas (FORTH), Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser (IESL), Crete, Greece, after submitting a thesis on the “Physical Effects in the UV-Laser Ablation of Polymeric Materials: Implications for the Laser Cleaning of Easel Paintings”. Immediately after the completion of her PhD she got a Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser (I.E.S.L.), Foundation for Research and Technology–Hellas (FO.R.T.H.) in Heraklion, Crete, Greece, where she became associated researcher from January 2003 till the end of 2005.
From January 2006 to December 2011 she was a Senior Researcher at NNL-National Nanotechnology Laboratory, CNR-Istituto di Nanoscienze in Lecce, Italy responsible for the Nanocomposite and Responsive Materials Division. In June 2006 she got a part time appointment at the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia in Genova, Italy, as a scientist responsible for the development and initiation of the Optical Spectroscopy-Microscopy and Material Science lab-facility. From September 2009 to September 2012 she was also coordinating the Smart Materials Platform at the Center for Biomolecular Nanotechnologies of IIT@UniLe, Lecce.

Laura Falchi

2010- Graduated in “Chemical Sciences for the Conservation and Restoration” at the Ca´ Foscari University of Venice with the thesis “Chemical-physical study of consolidants based on water-borne acrylic emulsions and colloidal silica emulsions for historical mortars”. 2010-2011, Internship and working experience in the research product departments of the San Marco Group S.p.A., Volteco S.p.A, VENETO NANOTECH S.C.p.A. 2012, internship at the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM, Berlin), 2013 science teaching at the secondary school. 2013 Ph. Doctorate in “Chemical Science” at Ca´ Foscari with the topic “Study of Water-Repellent Systems for the Protection and Maintenance of Mortars”. Since 2014, fellow researcher at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice in the “Chemistry for the Conservation of Cultural heritage Group”. She has been working for the characterization of acrylic emulsion, colloidal silica, and epoxy resins suitable as consolidants for stone materials. Her actual research topics includes the study of architectonical surfaces in Venice area also in relation with the environment and the climate changes, development of techniques and products for the protection of historic masonries.

Eleonora Balliana

Graduated in Chemical Sciences and Technologies for Conservation and Restoration at Ca’ Foscari University of Venice in 2007. From 2009 researcher in the sector of CHIM/12 (Environmental and Cultural Heritage Chemistry) at Ca Foscari University and professor of the Laboratory of Conservation for the third year of the Master in Technologies for the Conservation and the Restoration of Cultural Heritage. Main fields of interest: materials characterization and investigation in art; architectural surfaces; natural and artificial stone materials; investigation on relationship between environment and material degradation processes; monitoring methods for outdoor surface characterization and preventive conservation; development of new products and applications for cultural heritage.

Elisabetta Zendri

Associate Professor at the University of Ca’ Foscari since 2001. She is the Coordinator of the research group “Chemical Sciences for the Conservation of Cultural Heritage” and Coordinator of the Master Degree in “Conservation Science and Technology for Cultural Heritage” at the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. She was responsible in research projects in the field of Conservation of Cultural Heritage promoted by the Italian Ministry of Education, in Interreg Programme IT-SLO “Shared Culture”. She is coordinator of Research Unit in the JPI-EU project EMERISDA “Effectiveness of methods against rising damp in buildings: European practice and perspective” and in the project “VoicesOfVenice “ FP7- PEOPLE-2013-IOF (Marie Curie Action). The research activity is developed in collaboration with national and international Universities and Institutions. The research activities deal in particular on: new technologies and methods for the conservation and restoration of Cultural Heritage assets; Characterization and preservation of archaeological and traditional building materials (mortar, brick, plaster, stone, pottery); Investigation and conservation protocols for the modern and contemporary mural paintings. She has collaborated and collaborates in several projects for the restoration of important monuments in Italy and abroad. She attends many National and International Congress and she has published more than 150 publications on national and international journals and authors of books chapters. She is member of Scientific Committee of the International association “Scienze e Beni Culturali”. 

Como Citar
Mazzon, G., Zanocco, I., Zahid, M., Bayer, I., Athanassiou, A., Falchi, L., Balliana, E., & Zendri, E. (2017). Revestimientos nanoestructurados para la protección de tejidos y papel. Ge-Conservacion, 11, 180-188.

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