Where is the authenticity of the contemporary art?

  • Carlota Santabárbara Morera


In the contemporary art, the conservation of the original matter is not as important as the conservation of the authenticity of the work, because of this it is very important to know the artist and his work, to be able to conserve the most important values. In this process it is very important the documentation and the research. Therefore the criteria of restoration has changed, we can not conserve the patina of the contemporary art as a historic document, if this means the loss of the aesthetic value of the work. Nowadays the art is different, and therefore its conservation is different too.


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Biografia Autor

Carlota Santabárbara Morera

BA in Art History and Management Postgraduate Cultural Institutions. Diploma in Conservation and Restoration. PhD in Art History about the Conservation of Contemporary Art. Currently I am professor of History of Art at University of Zaragoza.

Como Citar
Santabárbara Morera, C. (2017). Where is the authenticity of the contemporary art?. Ge-Conservacion, 11, 214-218. https://doi.org/10.37558/gec.v11i0.482

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