Diálogos con la pre-existencia: lectura crítica de proyectos de intervención sobre el patrimonio cultural de Coimbra en las últimas decadas

  • Mariana Vetrone Dep. de Engenharia Civil, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologias, Universidade de Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal
Palavras-chave: patrimonio arquitectónico, intervención en el patrimonio, preexistencia edificada, conservación y restauración,, proyecto de intervención, rehabilitación de edificios


This work aims to contribute with part of the knowledge in the field of Building Rehabilitation through the study of the interpretative categories of contemporary intervention in historical pre-existences, as proposed by three different authors related to the italian heritage conservation: Claudio Varagnoli, Giovanni Carbonara and Beatrice Vivio. Based on these concepts, six intervention cases among the cultural heritage of the municipality of Coimbra, Portugal have been studied: Centro de Artes Visuais; the Monastery of Santa-Clara-a-Velha and the National Museum Machado de Castro. The proposed analysis consists of a critical reading of the dialogues which the intervention principles and design solutions assume with their respective pre-existences, aiming to understand the different kinds of linguistic, material, functional and temporal relations between the old and the new, in a perspective of recognition of its values and its transmission into the future.


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Biografia Autor

Mariana Vetrone, Dep. de Engenharia Civil, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologias, Universidade de Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal

Mariana Vetrone: Architect and Urbanist graduate from FAUUSP, with an exchange programme in Architecture Conservation at ‘La Sapienza’ Università di Roma. Has worked in architecture offices in Brazil until she moved to Portugal to attend the Master’s Degree in Building Rehabilitation at Coimbra University. In 2017 she was part of the survey team of Viseu Património Project and currently divides her time between work at an architecture office in Lisbon and the creation of content for her blog about culture and travel.


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RIBEIRO, J. M. (2017). Entrevista concedida a autor. Coimbra, 16 de outubro de 2017. IN: AUTOR. (2018) Diálogos Com A Preexistência. Leitura Crítica De Projetos De Intervenção No Património Cultural Edificado De Coimbra Nas Últimas Décadas. Tese de Mestrado. Coimbra: Universidade de Coimbra.

VARAGNOLI, C. (2002). Edifici da Edifici: la ricezione del passato nell’archiotettura italiana, 1990-2000. L’industria delle costruzioni, Roma, anno XXXVI, n. 368, p. 4-15.

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Como Citar
Vetrone, M. (2019). Diálogos con la pre-existencia: lectura crítica de proyectos de intervención sobre el patrimonio cultural de Coimbra en las últimas decadas. Ge-Conservacion, 15, 76-88. https://doi.org/10.37558/gec.v15i0.604