Conservation and restoration of the painting on wood of the Church of the Ulgueira

  • Margarida Maria Gomes Fonseca Júlio Gomes Fonseca e Maria Lucilia Gomes de Almeida Rodrigues Fonseca
  • Ana Bailão Faculdade de Belas Artes Universidade de Lisboa, FBAUL/CIEB
Keywords: conservation, restoration, painting, wooden ceiling, church, Ulgueira


This article aims to present the diagnosis and intervention of conservation and restoration carried out on the ceiling painted on wood of the church of Nossa Senhora da Conceição da Ulgueira, dating from the XVIII century, as well as the actions of sensitization for the use and preservation of this heritage. The painting is of unknown authorship and has as iconography the Our Lady of the Conception with characteristics of the baroque period of unique beauty and quality. This investigation and intervention was justified by the chromatic alteration of the work, by the need to fix some boards to the ceiling support structure, and because the immunization and the disinfestation of the wood were essential. Laboratory techniques were used to identify the binder, the varnish and the metal foil. It was concluded that there is a layer of terpene origin, which can be related to the rosin, the original varnish, and another one of acrylic nature, which can be associated with Paraloid® B72, used in an earlier intervention for the establishment by the Professional School of Restoration of the Patrimony of Sintra in 1994 (ArtLab, 2018; Neves, Fátima Maria; Pereira, Maria João;  1994).


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Author Biographies

Margarida Maria Gomes Fonseca, Júlio Gomes Fonseca e Maria Lucilia Gomes de Almeida Rodrigues Fonseca

Margarida Maria Gomes Fonseca: Concluiu o curso de Técnico de Recuperação do Património Edificado na Escola Profissional de Recuperação do Património de Sintra e iniciou o exercício da profissão em 1993. Frequentou diversos cursos e seminários complementares. Frequentou o mestrado em Conservação e Reabilitação de Interiores da Escola Superior de Artes Decorativas em 2009, onde fez a pós-graduação. Encontra-se atualmente a concluir o Mestrado em Ciências da Conservação, Restauro e Produção de Arte Contemporânea na Faculdade de Belas-Artes da Universidade de Lisboa.

Ana Bailão, Faculdade de Belas Artes Universidade de Lisboa, FBAUL/CIEB

Ana Bailão: Diploma in Conservation and Restoration by the Polytechnic Institute of Tomar (2005) and a master´s degree in Painting Conservation by the Portuguese Catholic University (2010). The master research was about methodologies and techniques of retouching. PhD in Conservation of Paintings at the same university, in collaboration with the Centro de Investigação em Ciência e Tecnologia das Artes (CITAR) and the Instituto del Patrimonio Cultural de España (IPCE), Madrid. The doctoral research was about the criteria and methodologies which might help to enhance the quality of painting retouching. The projects are presented through publications, lectures, exhibitions and presentations. Teaching about conservation and restoration, especially chromatic retouching, since 2008. Since 2004 carrying out conservation and restoration works.


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How to Cite
Gomes Fonseca, M. M., & Bailão, A. (2019). Conservation and restoration of the painting on wood of the Church of the Ulgueira. Ge-Conservacion, 15, 149-160.