Museumization of olive oil mills: instruments for conservation of the heritage of the olive grove culture
Opposed to the historical concept of the olive oil mills as places just for transporting the fruit, milling and olive oil production, the growing interest in its museumization is turning them into gastronomic, cultural and ethnographic points of reference. This study analysed the components of the museumization of Andalusian olive oil mills, using the Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) technique and employing the fuzzy-set approach (fsQCA). To that end, it draws on the definition of museum put forward by the more progressive elements of the International Council of Museums (ICOM). The main implication from the results is that olive oil mill professionals should adapt the museum offer according to the needs and aspects identified by the causality results of the model, and design museumization strategies with actions tailored to olive oil tourism, in order to more effectively tackle the transformations needed in the sector and enable the conservation of olive cultural heritage.
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