Filling with Beva® Artist Gesso-P laminate: implementation on a painting by Jacob Van Ruysdael

Keywords: Filling, texturing, Beva® Artist Gesso-P, fill, retouching, conservation


The article addresses the methodology developed for a complex case of filling on a Jacob Van Ruysdael (1628–1682) painting. The oil on canvas initially presented various losses with characteristic topography but also highly irregular contours that made them difficult to texturize. The system developed is based on the use of a pre-printed laminate with a TNT polyester support and a Beva® Artist Gesso-P layer moulded using a mini low-pressure table. Complete adjustment to the lacunae outline has been obtained by direct scanning; subsequently, the outline has been printed in a 1: 1 scale on the laminate support. Through this process, the filling is perfectly integrated into the original topography. As well, direct intervention is reduced and its reversibility is guaranteed. Finally, this methodological variant makes it possible to obtain optimal replication fidelity and greater integration in the case of textured and complex contour lacunae.


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Author Biography

Silvia García Fernández-Villa, Departamento de Pintura y Conservación-Restauración de la Facultad de Bellas Artes (UCM, Madrid)

Profesora del Departamento de Pintura y Conservación-Restauración de la Facultad de Bellas Artes (UCM, Madrid). Licenciada y Doctora en Bellas Artes por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid y Miembro del Grupo de Investigación ‘Técnicas de Documentación, Conservación y Restauración del Patrimonio’. Desarrolla su trayectoria docente e investigadora en el ámbito de las nuevas metodologías de Conservación-Restauración y la tecnología de los materiales artísticos, con especial atención a los materiales plásticos. Sus numerosos trabajos de investigación y proyectos de conservación se han divulgado en monografías, capítulos, artículos y ponencias en congresos internacionales


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How to Cite
García Fernández-Villa, S. (2021). Filling with Beva® Artist Gesso-P laminate: implementation on a painting by Jacob Van Ruysdael. Ge-Conservacion, 20(1), 64-72.