Deconstruction, fragmentation, and rupture of the facades as envelopes in the Arequipa and Cusco historic centers
The historic centers of Arequipa and Cusco are designated as UNESCO World Heritage sites. Still, their architectural integrity and value are at risk due to changes in their urban landscape and building facades. These alterations and disruptions are significant when they do not adhere to the conservation criteria established in local, national, and international regulations. The objective is to analyze and uncover the nature of the interventions that impact a historic building. The research methodology is mixed, as it involves collecting physical data on the buildings over the years to document changes in their representative profiles. This quantitative information is recorded on worksheets, covering three aspects: surveying the elevation profiles and typological unit and dividing the lot about its degree of occupancy. The evident deconstructions involve a qualitative fragmentation process, displaying systematic patterns used. The general conclusion is that individualization and private interests prevail at the expense of the city’s cultural heritage.
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