African textiles in Portugal: the Eduardo Nery Collection
Considering the importance of African art collections in Portugal, this study aims to present the collection of African textiles acquired throughout his life by the Portuguese artist Eduardo Nery. After his death, the collection was acquired by the Berardo Collections Association. This collection consists of 51 textiles, each studied and analysed individually within the scope of post-doctoral research, aiming to understand and highlight both tangible and intangible aspects. The in-depth study of these objects was supplemented with information from bibliographic references, scientific publications, and international museum institutions. The collection is particularly relevant as it reveals aspects related to the practices, processes, and techniques of traditional African textile production. Additionally, it helps bring to light this type of cultural heritage present in Portugal, providing opportunities for research in various fields such as history, museology, conservation-restoration, anthropology, ethnology, design and art.
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