The decorative covers of the dated Arabic bookbindings of the School of Arabic Studies-CSIC (Granada): Study and cataloguing of the decorative motifs
The decorations inscribed on the leather of the bookcovers have been subject to observation and specific analysis within the comprehensive studies on the knowledge of book manufacturing. Registering the decorative motifs, as well as other intrinsic parameters of the binding, is a critical element in codicological studies which, being carried out on a one-to-one basis, are completely necessary in order to know the execution technique. Consequently, they become essential to establish the basis of the most suitable protocols for their conservation-restoration.
This paper describes the results of the research carried out on 17 dated bindings (14th to 19th centuries) from the Collection of Arabic manuscripts of the School of Arabic Studies-CSIC in Granada. By using different registering and documentation techniques, the decorations of the different covers were replicated extracting the decorative motifs and generating a catalogue of elements that aims at complementing the existing ones and serving as reference for comparisons in future codicological studies.
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