Diagnóstico de materiales y lesiones en las fachadas del centro histórico de Cuenca (Ecuador)
The materials used in architectural envelopes and facades are essential in building construction both, aesthetically and in terms of usefulness. The synergy of climatic agents and human activities related to the use, damaging actions, vandalism, and other issues, evidence their deterioration. In the case of the Historical Center of Cuenca (Ecuador) this panorama has not been amply studied, which is why the present research approaches it from a) the architectural analysis of 35 architectural envelopes, b) the categorization of damages, c) the environmental impact analysis, and d) the normative application proposal for prior intervention analytical studies. This way, 14 historically used materials presenting severe to moderate damages are being identified; the most used and damaged are ceramics, earthen, and glass, as well as wood and travertine in a particular level. It reveals the materials’ reaction to the environment and the need for their study and treatment technical policies. Due to their characteristics, five architectural envelopes will be considered as the starting point for the analytical study since international standards.
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