Saint Rosalie Interceding for the Plague-stricken of Palermo, in the Epiarte Collection: Its Technique, Materials and Connection with Anthony van Dyck
This paper focuses on the study and documentation of the technique and materials of the oil on canvas Saint Rosalie Interceding for the Plague stricken of Palermo, belonging to the Epiarte Collection, in order to contribute to its knowledge and conservation, as well as to delve into its connection with the Flemish Anthony van Dyck and his workshop, to whom it is attributed. To these purposes, the direct visual examination of the work has been complemented with data from its most recent restoration report, chemical analysis and documentary sources on the matter. The results have been compared with those related to two paintings with the same subject and composition, made by Van Dyck around 1624 in Italy and, so as to achieve more precise conclusions, this information has also been checked against that obtained from other works he made in different places and periods of his activity.
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