Determination of the alteration degree in walls of historic buildings of San Francisco de Campeche, México, by using image analysis and the UAS staging system
The historic city of San Francisco de Campeche (SFC), Mexico, has an important set of Baroque buildings, built with limestone masonry, exposed to the humid tropical climate of the region. These materials undergo differential alteration depending on the specific microclimatic conditions of their environment. Traditionally, the diagnosis of the state of conservation of stone materials is a procedure that consumes considerable economic resources and time. However, there are alternatives to these methodologies, which also allow determining the scope of possible interventions in deteriorated structures, such as the one used in this work, which combined image analysis, the UAS staging system and mineralogical characterization using SEM-/ EDS and FTIR to establish alteration stages in the walls of two bastions of the SFC walled enclosure.
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