Mundane beauty in art and architecture

  • Angela Juarranz Universidad Politecnica de Madrid


In the twentieth century a specific kind of beauty emerged from art: the increased value of the mundane. Contemporary art shows that common situations have an aesthetic significance. But architecture does not pay any attention to this scope. What is more, it tries to deny it. Nor the design process nor the architectural photography show the presence of mundane things. Fortunately, we have some works to go in depth into this day-to-day issue. Let’s analyze the photograph Morning Cleaning, Mies van der Rohe Foundation, Barcelona, (Jeff Wall, 1999), the intervention Phantom, Mies as Rendered Society (Andrés Jaque, 2012) and the film Koolhaas Houselife (Ila Bêka and Louise Lemoine, 2008). By considering the visual and spatial value of these cases, we reconsider them as an experimental space. What if architecture starts looking at its surroundings?


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Biografia Autor

Angela Juarranz, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid

Angela Juarranz is Ph.D. Candidate and Assistant Professor of Advanced Architectural Projects at School of Architecture of Madrid (ETSAM) since 2011. She graduated from ETSAM in 2012, being immediately linked to the Design Deparment. She is FPU grant recipient by the Ministry of Education of Spain. She is author of articles selected and published in BIA-AR 2014 (Bienal Internacional de Arquitectura, Argentina, 2014), Arqueología de la memoria reciente (Círculo de Bellas Artes de Madrid, 2013), Arquitecura Viva and AV Proyectos. Professionally, her work has been awarded in several national and international competitions (“FIRST WORKS” Bauwelt Awards, Europan, EMVS Madrid Municipal Housing, COAM Official College of Architects, ASCER, among others). Also, she has intensively collaborated at Langarita-Navarro and Amid.cero9 architectural practices.

Como Citar
Juarranz, A. (2017). Mundane beauty in art and architecture. Ge-Conservacion, 11, 196-201.