Conservation of the contemporary public sculptures of Granada. Protecting the city’s Heritage

  • María Carmen Bellido Márquez
Palabras clave: public sculpture, conservation, bronze, city of Granada, contemporary art


Contemporary urban sculpture is an integral element of the landscape of the city of Granada (Spain). Therefore, the objetive of this research is to determine the conservation status of several public sculptures -produced by Miguel Moreno Romera- situated in the city and which currently evidence the need to improve their conservation, through restoration work or by optimising their preservation conditions. The study results show the alterations in the works, evaluates their damage, detecting possible deterioration and proposing interventions in order to reduce these problems, activating a preventive action protocol. In conclusion, there is a significant need to improve the conservation of these public sculptures by restoring their appearance, which also has positive effects on the city because they are an integral part of the urban fabric and bring the city closer to citizens.


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Biografía del autor/a

María Carmen Bellido Márquez

She is a Ph.D. teacher in the Universiyt of Granada (tenured Lecturer). She graduated in Fine Arts (2004), having also obtained a Ph.D. (2010) in the same field with the Doctoral Thesis entitled A study of the materials and an analysis of the conservation of contemporary works of art. An experimental case study: The Centro José Guerrero Collection, completed a Master’s Degree in Museology (2006) and Certificate in Teaching Proficiency (2005) (UGR). She received the 2003-04 National End of Degree Award (Ministry of Education and Science) and the 2009-10 Extraordinary Ph.D. Award (UGR). She has got recognized six-year research periods. She teaches the subjects of Sculpture and Agents of Deterioration of Cultural Heritage (Degree of Fine Arts), is teaching Photography (same Degree), and External Practices (Master Production and Investigation in Art) (UGR) and is directing Doctoral Thesis, Final Master Thesis and Work Degree. She taught postgraduate courses at the University of Beira Interior (2015) (Portugal) and at the University of Aveiro (2017) and other courses in University of Paris 08 Vincennes Saint-Denis, University of Coimbra, University of Oport, University of Lisbon, University of Ostrava, Fine Art Academy of Florence, Fine Art Academy of Carrara, École nationale supérieure d’art de Bourges and École Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Nîmes. She published in scientific journals and books on contemporary artistic creation and its conservation and participated in conferences and events to disseminate research. Awarded and undertook research and teaching fellowships for a variety of organisations and countries, including a Thomas Bata Foundation sculpture grant (Czech Republic). She made and exposed sculptural works, mainly in metal, but also photography, video and painting in international exhibittion, participed in research and teaching innovations projects and curated exhibitions by young Spanish artists.

Cómo citar
Bellido Márquez, M. C. (2017). Conservation of the contemporary public sculptures of Granada. Protecting the city’s Heritage. Ge-Conservacion, 11, 134-140.